The Queen and I have gotten some major technology upgrades over the last couple of weeks with more to come. For me at any rate a couple of upgrades are necessary. And Besides, I'm tired of writing about my medical issues. I'm sure I'll get back to those...Later...
New Cell Phones at the Castle!
So we needed to sign up with a new cell Plan as the Company is going to take mine away and give me one of their "new" plan phones with a per minute charge as opposed to the 200 minutes (whoopee!) I got previously for some ridiculous price like $29.95 US/month. Needless to say personal use will be strongly discouraged. So I went shopping last week! The Queen has been saying she wanted one of these new Motorola Razr phones. She has not liked the Moto phones she's had in the past. But she seems to like this one!
"I wonder if we could get away with just cellular phone services and get rid of the old land-line. I'll have to discuss it with the Queen. Probably not. Something to think about at any rate. We don't use dial-up anymore..."
But I digress...And why is it I only think to write about this stuff after midnight?
You can see the Queen got the Cool "Pink" Razr and I got the Black as they didn't have any of the ones with the Stainless finish. No matter! As you can see in the picture of the open phones, my Queen is a Caribbean Queen!
They are the new v3 phones as well. Camera w 3X digital zoom, video, web access, Instant Messaging, SMS, email, Hundreds of ring tones, etc. They've got all the bells and whistles, man...Finer than frog hair, they are. And reception as clear as a bell too. I just wonder if they'll work in the various places all over the world like my old SamSung Flip phone did.
On a sadder note my old IPAQ appears to be about to croak.
The Queen bought this wanger for me several years ago after my last Palm gave up the Ghost. I think I sat on it! Well actually I had it in a back pocket when I fell on my ass in the parking lot at work one day. Don't ever do that! They cannot take it! Plus falling down (at work) is embarassing!
At any rate it was bought when the name "Compaq" still meant something. It's a model 3635 with 32 megabytes of Ram with an expansion pack. Bought a 32 MB card to go in that but it always drained the battery so quickly that I didn't use it much. It won't hold a charge much longer than a day anymore. Seems to be a few hours at this point. It seems to be dropping a lot of the entries I make now unless it's hooked up to a charger at the time of the entry. It's looking pretty beat up too.
It should because I was HARD on this unit. I've dropped it more than once. I even think the dog chewed on it once! Ornery little shit we had before we got our boxer! I keep my life and my work in this thing! If it died on me I'd be lost!
So I did some shopping today and found one of these puppies and bought it!
It's a Palm Life Drive Mobile Manager! 4GB hard drive and built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, It will read Word, Excel and PowerPoint docs right off the bat, with support for POP, IMAP and Exchange email accounts music, photos & video. Plus, a voice recorder, MP3 player, and photo viewer. Plus it's Palm OS, which I always liked better than Windows CE anyway. (Don't ask me why...Maybe because the Palm was the first one I owned?)
It should ship next week. I'm Psyched!
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