o me finally. Just feeling sorry for myself, I reckon. Let me tell you a story.
T'was the night before surgery And all though the house Not a creature was stirring Except for myself.
Probably not that big a deal, but I'm losing two teeth in the morning...So it's Oral Surgery.
More medical shit going with me than anything else. Starts like this:
The last time I was at my regular MD (to get some scrips renewed), I asked for a couple of referrals.
One for my allergies - and one for my freakin' feet. I figured the guy for the allergies woiuld be able to help me to breathe well enough to use the CPAP machine I was supposed to get from the sleep clinic that diagnosed me with sleep apnea. Still don't have the fucking machine, but...that's another story.
And my damned feet have always hurt, but in the last few years, they've really gotten bad.
First - The Podiatrist
I wore corrective shoes as a kid. But of course, as soon as I could get out of them, I did. What child of the 60's wanted to wear those saddle shoe lookin' things on their feet as a teenager or a preteen? Not this one I assure you.
But in the last year based on what other folk have told me I thought I developed a bone spur on my right heel. If you had seen me rolling out of the rack in the morning, you would have thought I was about ninety years old...Feels like someone is sticking a hot needle in my heel.
So off I go to the podiatrist - Dr. Moscowitz. Has a nice, amiable manner. And as far as I can tell he has a pretty good staff too! Has a good look at my feet both sitting (or laying) and standing. Says, "Man your feet are flat. They should hurt." Examines the bottom of my right for a while. "Let's get some x-rays, but I don't think you have a spur." Autumn (the nurse) takes me across the hall, where she shoots some gamma rays through my foot.
Digital X-rays - Man, How cool is that!
At any rate the doc comes in and says, "Just as I thought - no spur there, son."
I ask so what the hell is it then? He then explains that I have torn the ligament in the bottom of my foot that connects all the bones there. And apparently I keep re-injuring it...Or at least keep it from healing properly...IN MY SLEEP! By extending my foot for prolonged periods. Prescribes a right angled boot to sleep in and advil. Not for the pain, but as an anti inflammatory. "Oh yes, and we need to make casts of your feet so you can get some inserts for your shoes. This will help your other constant pain. They should be ready in about ten days"
So Autumn makes casts of my feet (Hey! That tickles!) Then I'm off to the business office.
$$$CHA-CHING$$$ Four hundred and eighty dollars is MY part! Holy crap! Insurance pays 80% and this is my part???
I know this doesn't go with oral surgery so...but this is how my week started... Stay tuned for Part 2 - The Allergist and more! |
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