Chastisement can be a Wonderful Thing... It seems I was remiss on Thursday night with my recent reportage (is that even a word?) of links on Thursday on TexasT's Forays in 1:160, Which is "Sound Off by Texas T's", kinder, and gentler little brother about my new adventures in Nscale. Haven't talked much about that here, either, other than a couple of posts about nscale right before I started the endeavor...and a link on the day of it's debut.
...But I digress
I put in a list of useful (well they are to me, mainly) links just trying to be the informative guy that I am. Plus lazy bum that I am, I wanted them all in one spot where I could get to them, because at first glance (and some a second and a third) they looked to have some merit. One of my friends has already verified that. So I wanted to keep an eye on them.
And truth be known perhaps I was remiss, as I am not completely unversed in nettiquette. After returning home from work, I checked my email tonight as is a long standing habit. Just some of the usual stuff...Couple from user groups and sigs I belong to and, "Hello, here's an email from my new friend Jules."
Jules is a web designer cum Nscale Modeller or is that Nscale Modeller cum web designer and a Webmaster as well. Well whatever, I'm not sure, I'll have to ask him. Very talented, is our Jules...We've been emailing back and forth across the Atlantic for a short while after I surfed on to his page from the National Model Railroad Ass'n web site once I started getting interested in model railroading again. He has put together a couple of layouts that are...well "Jewels".
And I didn't include Small World Layouts, which is Jule's site about Nscale layouts. Nor did I put it in my sidebar. I must apologize.
This is however, something I can rectify fairly quickly...
I didn't really mind though, because there is one thing emails about your site tell you...It's that people are reading your stuff...
'nuff said...