Memoirs of a Geisha - Peter Goulden

T's Rates IT: T T T T T

The Final Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

T's Rates IT: T T

The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold

T's Rates IT: T T T T t

Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West - Gregory Maguire

T's Rates IT: T T T T T

Belwether - Connie Willis

T's Rates IT: T T T T T


Failure To Launch

T's Rates IT: T T t

Mission Impossible 3

T's Rates IT: T T T t


T's Rates IT: T T T T T


My Photo
Location: Houston, Texas, United States

It ain't the years, It's the mileage. I was raised a military brat, and wanderlust still comes over me every 3 or 4 years. Still love to travel.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

How's This For Scary?

My step-son has, in the last week and a half, done more homework helping one of his girlfriends with a project for school, than he did in his entire senior year of High-School...

BRrrrrrr. Gives me shivers just thinking about it....

'nuff said...

Friday, October 28, 2005

...Perhaps I Was Remiss

Chastisement can be a Wonderful Thing...

It seems I was remiss on Thursday night with my recent reportage (is that even a word?) of links on Thursday on TexasT's Forays in 1:160, Which is "Sound Off by Texas T's", kinder, and gentler little brother about my new adventures in Nscale. Haven't talked much about that here, either, other than a couple of posts about nscale right before I started the endeavor...and a link on the day of it's debut.

...But I digress

I put in a list of useful (well they are to me, mainly) links just trying to be the informative guy that I am. Plus lazy bum that I am, I wanted them all in one spot where I could get to them, because at first glance (and some a second and a third) they looked to have some merit. One of my friends has already verified that. So I wanted to keep an eye on them.

And truth be known perhaps I was remiss, as I am not completely unversed in nettiquette. After returning home from work, I checked my email tonight as is a long standing habit. Just some of the usual stuff...Couple from user groups and sigs I belong to and, "Hello, here's an email from my new friend Jules."

Jules is a web designer cum Nscale Modeller or is that Nscale Modeller cum web designer and a Webmaster as well. Well whatever, I'm not sure, I'll have to ask him. Very talented, is our Jules...We've been emailing back and forth across the Atlantic for a short while after I surfed on to his page from the National Model Railroad Ass'n web site once I started getting interested in model railroading again. He has put together a couple of layouts that are...well "Jewels".

And I didn't include Small World Layouts, which is Jule's site about Nscale layouts. Nor did I put it in my sidebar. I must apologize.

This is however, something I can rectify fairly quickly...

I didn't really mind though, because there is one thing emails about your site tell you...It's that people are reading your stuff...

'nuff said...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Well at least they made it to the World Series...

Four up and Four down.

But our boys put up a good fight. Like Bagwell said, "It just wasn't our time..."

And like the title of this post says - At least they made it to the Series. I'm pretty happy with that...

'nuff said.


Sunday, October 23, 2005

Katy Freeway Closed this Weekend

Uh- Oh!

'nuff said...


Saturday, October 22, 2005

So The World Series...

Starts tonight and Houston's home team, The Houston Astros walked by the Cardinals to garner a spot in the series.

This is a moment Astros fans have been waiting a long, long time for!

Go Astros!!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Some Body Is Gonna Get It!!

On 'Beyond the Beyond'...Bruce said

"Hurricanes are not supposed to suddenly balloon to fabulous proportions in such teensy bodies of water".

I'm with you, Bruce! Looks like someone is in for some 'Heavy Weather'

Link to GOES satellite footage. Here.

Phoneman may need to bail out!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

They did it!!

The Houston Astros Won!!!!

World Series Here they come!! Look out, Whitesox!!

'nuff said!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Maybe I Should Not Have Gotten Out of Bed?

Okay, so I shaved my mustache. By mistake. (See previous post)

My coffee mug is leaking out of one side. Don't know what that's about.

When I got out of the car at the corner this morning. Some friggin' bus driver on the 131 decided (apparently) that I should have gotten off in the middle of the road instead of at the curb. What a maroon!

And I have a 1 on 1 with the boss!

Somedays it just doesn't pay etc...


New Rule - No Shaving of the Face Before 5:15 AM

So I was in the shower this morning - shaving - having not shaved for a few days and noticed that my mustache needed a little help. Well you know you trim one side...Oops now that sides too high. Trim a little more...Dang! Before you realize it...
It's Gone!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Okay I've been on blogger nearly a year

Should I keep going?

Should I throw in the towel?

Should I get Adsense?

Should I change the look and feel of Sound off by TexasT's?

Or is it, "Damn the Torpedos! Full speed ahead!"

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Like you've never done this

Okay so I realized if I didn't get some vacation on the calendar at work I was liable to lose some vacation. A lot of vacation. So after consulting with my local cohort and the Global calendar, I've decided not to work another...
Monday in 2005.

4 day work weeks for the rest of the year. Why didn't I think of this sooner?

Feel like a few links today?

This guy is having a really good time saying Hello. I think. But he IS having a good time, for a geek. Say Hello to Numamuma

Drug Dealers vs Software Developers. Syntax is surprisingly similar. But then...shit.

Now this is a damn shame.
Stumbled on the above using Stumble Feature in Firefox.

Feeling a little strange? Believe me, the guys who thought of The Surrealist Compliment Generator are a lot stranger. Trust me on this. Try this on for size:

Teacups smash, flounders ignite spontaneously in your presence.

Just go to the page and hit reload a few times. You'll see what I mean...

This would be funnier if it weren't so close to the truth...

Friday, October 14, 2005

Thought I Was Gonna Sit Down Tonite and Watch

A new George Carlin special on HBO. Not on yer life. It's a rehash from 1988.


It's not even relevant to what's going on in this country today. Or even scarier....

Maybe it is...


Thursday, October 13, 2005

Started a new Blog

Because I'm getting back into Nscale and I wanted to have a place just for that.

This space (Sound Off by TexasT's) is for a whole different purpose.

TexasT's Forays in 1:160 Not much content there yet...But it won't take long
...Better bookmark it.

Since I've decided to foray into NScale model railroading once again, thought what better way to document my adventure(s) than a website on Blogger. After all I've tried to write books on Blogger, tried to write travelogues on Blogger, and just blog in general on Blogger. It's only logical to write about NScale on blogger, right?


You Know You Thought It...Department

I was just down on the street...And...

You know there are some people who should never, ever wear

RED Spandex

in public spaces.

Did you look at your self in the mirror before you left the house this morning? Perhaps you asked your significant other,

"Honey...Does this make my ass look big?"

And fool that they were, they let you walk out of the house wearing that, either because they didn't want to hurt your feelings or maybe they just didn't want to fight with you.

And there you are walking up the street in bright afternoon


Whatever...You needed to take a good look in the mirror!

TAKE RESPONSIBILTY. For. Your. Own. Clothing. Choices.

Because if you did...You would know that you ought not walk out of the house wearing that!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A Whale of a Tale

Two whales, a male and a female, were swimming side by side in the ocean. Suddenly, the male whale spots a ship in the distance. He recognizes it as the whaling ship that killed his father. Filled with anger, he says to his female companion, "That's the ship that killed my father! Let's swim closer!"

When they were close enough, the male said, "Why don't we swim under the ship and blow air through our blow holes and break the ship into a million pieces? That will be sweet revenge."

And the female agreed to this.

So they each took a deep breath of air, swam under the ship, and blew enormous amounts of air under the ship. The ship flew into the air and crashed back to the sea and broke into a million pieces. The pair of whales started to swim off when they realized that the sailors were not dead, but clinging to pieces of wood and floating in the ocean.

The male whale was furious and said to the female whale, "They're still alive, but I've got another idea. Let's swim around and gulp up all the sailors!"

That's when the female stopped swimming, looked at the male and said,

"Oh no... I agreed to the blow job but I'm NOT swallowing the seamen."

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Every body remembers Gumby don't they?

G and B

And his orange buddy, Pokey?

Don't they?

Don't they?

Sunday, October 02, 2005

N Scale Still Rules!

After a hiatus of some years in the Model Railroading hobby, I've decided that I need to do something with all this MR Stuff I have stored in my garage. Decided to convert to Code 55 rail just because it just looks so dang cool compared to my old code 80.

I'm thinking I want to build a little C55 test track. And test all my old stuff. I'm gonna design something with XtrkCad and see what I can do. XTrkCad is a free software package for designing model railroads, made by Sillub Technology. Just thought it would be fun to see what will run and what won't.

I've got a little stash of low profile wheel sets around here somewhere in the (ugh) garage. I know I'm gonna have to dig those up as most of my wheelsets are "pizza cutters" made for code 80 track.

Here's the challenge...I made a little stop by my LHS and picked up some track. All Atlas Code 55.
Current Rail inventory:
2 pieces Superflex (30 inches long)
1 Each No. 5 right turnouts
1 Each No. 5 left turnouts
1 pkg (6 pcs.) 30.609R (at least 2 pc. for the turnouts)
3 pkg 11.25R full curve
3 pkg 12.5R full curve
5 pkg 6in Straight.

Don't feel like you have to use it all. But you can't really go over. It ain't a test or quiz. Just want to see how many different things we can think of.

Plus I'm a little rusty when it comes to this stuff.

Here's a visual:

Click picture for a bigger visual

Try it yourself!



Rita Update from Katy Texas

Okay, so we dodged a bullet here (as my friend Charles put's it). I don't think we got a millimeter of rain here. It might've gotten a little breezy, but that's about it.

By OMG, did you see the media reports of the awful time people had trying to get out of here? If the government ever manages to get that many people on Houston's highways ever again, they'll have to figure out a way to move that traffic a little more smoothly. A lotta mistakes made by all levels of government. (Do I really need to state the obvious here?)

You gotta feel for those folks in East Texas and Western Louisiana that got the brunt of Rita's wrath.
