Memoirs of a Geisha - Peter Goulden

T's Rates IT: T T T T T

The Final Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

T's Rates IT: T T

The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold

T's Rates IT: T T T T t

Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West - Gregory Maguire

T's Rates IT: T T T T T

Belwether - Connie Willis

T's Rates IT: T T T T T


Failure To Launch

T's Rates IT: T T t

Mission Impossible 3

T's Rates IT: T T T t


T's Rates IT: T T T T T


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Location: Houston, Texas, United States

It ain't the years, It's the mileage. I was raised a military brat, and wanderlust still comes over me every 3 or 4 years. Still love to travel.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Mission Impossible III

Movies - Saw the latest offering in the Mission Impossible franchise last weekend.
Link to Yahoo review: MI3@Yahoo

Now I'm not a big Cruise fan. Jesus fella! Every body gets it - You are in love with Ms. Holmes! Shut the fuck up already! Nobody (well, I don't) gives a shit!

And the Scientology thing?!? Well that's just getting old.

And I don't care how you feel about Psychology (No matter how close your feelings are to mine!) If it seems to work for some people, LET IT!

Take some lessons from Travolta. He doesn't seem to wear his religion on his sleeve.

But I digress...
I thought the plot was almost plausible (It is Mission IMPOSSIBLE!). Cruise and company were alright. As much as I hate to admit it Tom, you can act, in my opinion. But you you come accross as a smug fucker and that gets on my nerves!

I gotta say, whenever Philip Seymour Hoffman was on screen, the temperature in the theater dropped about five degrees. His character was fuckin' STONE COLD... Now there's an actor's ACTOR!

TexasT's rates it: TTTt

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