Memoirs of a Geisha - Peter Goulden

T's Rates IT: T T T T T

The Final Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

T's Rates IT: T T

The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold

T's Rates IT: T T T T t

Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West - Gregory Maguire

T's Rates IT: T T T T T

Belwether - Connie Willis

T's Rates IT: T T T T T


Failure To Launch

T's Rates IT: T T t

Mission Impossible 3

T's Rates IT: T T T t


T's Rates IT: T T T T T


My Photo
Location: Houston, Texas, United States

It ain't the years, It's the mileage. I was raised a military brat, and wanderlust still comes over me every 3 or 4 years. Still love to travel.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Speaking of Hangin' with the Queen

Made a trek to the Texas Renaissance Festival with the Queen yesterday. Hard to believe it's been open for 30 years. Even harder to believe, I've been making that trip almost as it's been around. Still a magical place, although to my jaded eyes, the golden gilding of the faire seems a bit tarnished at this point. Still and all, it is good to see and converse with old friends and acquaintances. We, that is, the Queen and I, did not throw on our glad rags, as yet another hot and muggy October day was forecast in the Houston area. (This has been an unseasonably warm October in the area) The Queen had deigned not to wear her Togs due to the fact that she had paid her dues, a fact I heartily agreed with. So we went incognito and folk that the Queen had known for years did not recognize her (nor I) until (or if) she got in their face. You see, she has been quite notorious. She has this large, purple hat from the House of Dra, made of dyed chicken feathers.

It was good to walk the grounds again, although it is always a different trip when not going as your true self. This is because, since you are in disguise, it is quite impossible to talk shit to the patrons of the fair. This was always one of the greatest skills to be developed when working at any renaissance faire as well as courtly manners and gestures. It is a great thing indeed to insult someone with a lively bit of banter that basically said they were the worst kind of oaf (or some other such) , in the King's English, all the while smiling sweetly. The light comes on at about the time that any participants within earshot give a hearty, "Ho, Ho!" or "Well met, indeed, sir!". Only then does your victim put two and two together and realize he has been skewered most thoroughly. But all in fun, of course. But this can be a dangerous game as a mate of mine found out once while walking the grounds in a semi-sober state as well as in civilian clothing.

The plays the thing is't not? Interaction with the crowd is what I crave.

We met up with friends, who were indeed dressed for the occasion. And I took no small pleasure in whispering in Sir Roger's ear what he should say to this buxom wench or that brazen knave for he and the Lady Nancy are new and need a little (just a little) coaching. So, though we had a good time drinking and shopping and noshing, the faire can expect another visit from us in full regailia and with a retinue as well, eh!

I think my first visit was in the eighth year. A couple of years (and many visits) later, I decided I wanted to work there. Not for the money. But for the Magic of it all. Couldn't really figure out (at first) how I was going to do it though. Spent 13 years, Springs, Summers, and Falls working there.

Ahhh but there's more to tell...

To quote my son...

"6 cats, 1 dog, 5 adults and one big ass bird! I gotta get outta here!"

Life is never dull around here! One of my wife's friends showed up here the other night, with luggage. And what luggage it was. 4 cats and a bird that's some breed of Cock-a-too plus baggage.

My, My! Life can get so interesting, so fast sometimes... Posted by Hello

Friday, October 29, 2004

God Help us...

The state of Texas has seen fit to issue my son a Driver's license...
...So stay off sidewalks

We certainly are a well connected society...

I've noticed in the last few years that the proliferation of personal communications devices, and I'm not just talking about Cell phones here folks, but PDA's, Laptops and other devices (and I've got 'em all) of that ilk, that were supposed to keep us better connected, are in fact having the opposite effect.

They are insulating or isolating us from interacting with our fellow man. Or even being aware of him.

Take a look on the street, the next time you are out and about...People are so busy looking into their tiny screens, or talking on the phone, that they are missing whatever is going on all around them. Is it that we are afraid to look around? Nah...But you can be so involved that it is almost discourteous to those around you! Should we be that oblivious?

I don't think so...It can be foolish, even dangerous to not be aware of what's going on around you.

Look at the folks with MP3 players plugged into their ears...Some of them are so oblivious to what's going on around them, that they are in danger of stepping in front of a moving bus! I gave up listening to my personal stereo after I figured out that I wasn't paying enough attention to what was going on right around me.

Bein' in the groove is one thing, but if you aren't careful you can be turned into slag without ever being aware of it.

And we are learning this stuff earlier and earlier in life...Gameboys, personal stereos, MP3 players all serve to insulate or isolate us. Is this a contributing factor to social disfunction?

Could be...

I've got three kids, ages 18, 19, and 20 years old. And they are good kids. I don't deserve to have such good kids. (If they only knew what their dear, old, dad had been up to when he was their age. But that's another story) I've felt that we were the first 2 generations that could actually have a lot in common. And as I get older, even our politics seem to be convergent. I mean, we even listen to a lot of the same music. Or did at one point, but my 18 year old can hardly get in the car with us without his MP3 player.

Kinda kills conversation don't it....

Now, I'm no Luddite, as I own or have owned most of these devices. But I don't want to be so well connected that you can find me anywhere, anytime. But this seems to be what society demands. Hell, the company I work for even pays for my cellphone so they can call me anytime, anywhen! What's worse, is I let 'em.

Sometimes I don't want to be found and believe me, you don't want to find me...

Thursday, October 28, 2004

I Can't Wait...

...For this election to be over. I hate all the negative campaign crap. I'm just damn glad I don't live in a swing state.

I know Politics is dirty, and Texas politics is really dirty, but I cannot take too much more of this on a national level. I really don't know why we let ourselves as a nation be subjected to this.

I don't really like either of our choices, but I can't waste a vote on Nader either. Besides, I don't think he made the ballot in Texas.

I cannot in good conscience vote for Dubya. (I'm sure that's kind of sacrilegious for a Texan. See if that generates any noise.) And Kerry makes my skin crawl.

I heard somewhere, "You can be a liberal when you're young, but you can't afford it when you are older..." I don't remember where I heard it, probably on the smoking pad at work. From some armchair politician at the office. But I'm beginning to believe the opposite is true for me...

I believe we should conserve natural resources. And I work for a multinational oil company...I know, Iknow!! I can't always put up or shut up. A man's gotta make a livin'.

I believe it IS a woman's right to choose.

I don't think we (as a nation) should act so unilaterally. Or Maybe we shouldn't appear to be so damned arrogant about if we do. That friggin' smirk he gets...

I believe in Gun Control. (Should be tougher) That right, I always felt, is always taken out of context. They always leave off the last part...The right to bear arms, in an organized militia...At least that's the way I think it goes...And I thought the ban on assault weapons was a wonderful thing. (Why'd they let it expire?) What kind of animal you gonna hunt with that AK, grampa?

I believe we all have the right to be treated fairly and with dignity.

I believe ALL Americans should be treated equally (and not only) under the law.

I believe we need some kind of health care plan nationally, at least for children. There is no excuse good enough to let a child suffer needlessly.

I believe in the separation of Church and State. I don't need any fanatics legislating my rights away.

I think offshoring is wrong, but I can still see the point...

There...I've had my say...for today

Welcome to my Blog (I always hated when blogs started with that)
