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Location: Houston, Texas, United States

It ain't the years, It's the mileage. I was raised a military brat, and wanderlust still comes over me every 3 or 4 years. Still love to travel.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

I Can't Wait...

...For this election to be over. I hate all the negative campaign crap. I'm just damn glad I don't live in a swing state.

I know Politics is dirty, and Texas politics is really dirty, but I cannot take too much more of this on a national level. I really don't know why we let ourselves as a nation be subjected to this.

I don't really like either of our choices, but I can't waste a vote on Nader either. Besides, I don't think he made the ballot in Texas.

I cannot in good conscience vote for Dubya. (I'm sure that's kind of sacrilegious for a Texan. See if that generates any noise.) And Kerry makes my skin crawl.

I heard somewhere, "You can be a liberal when you're young, but you can't afford it when you are older..." I don't remember where I heard it, probably on the smoking pad at work. From some armchair politician at the office. But I'm beginning to believe the opposite is true for me...

I believe we should conserve natural resources. And I work for a multinational oil company...I know, Iknow!! I can't always put up or shut up. A man's gotta make a livin'.

I believe it IS a woman's right to choose.

I don't think we (as a nation) should act so unilaterally. Or Maybe we shouldn't appear to be so damned arrogant about if we do. That friggin' smirk he gets...

I believe in Gun Control. (Should be tougher) That right, I always felt, is always taken out of context. They always leave off the last part...The right to bear arms, in an organized militia...At least that's the way I think it goes...And I thought the ban on assault weapons was a wonderful thing. (Why'd they let it expire?) What kind of animal you gonna hunt with that AK, grampa?

I believe we all have the right to be treated fairly and with dignity.

I believe ALL Americans should be treated equally (and not only) under the law.

I believe we need some kind of health care plan nationally, at least for children. There is no excuse good enough to let a child suffer needlessly.

I believe in the separation of Church and State. I don't need any fanatics legislating my rights away.

I think offshoring is wrong, but I can still see the point...

There...I've had my say...for today

Welcome to my Blog (I always hated when blogs started with that)


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