Memoirs of a Geisha - Peter Goulden

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The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold

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Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West - Gregory Maguire

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Location: Houston, Texas, United States

It ain't the years, It's the mileage. I was raised a military brat, and wanderlust still comes over me every 3 or 4 years. Still love to travel.

Friday, November 11, 2005

The Thrill Is Gone...

Are you going to the Texas Renaissance Festival?

The answer (for me) is an unequivical and resounding,

No...I think not, this time m'lady.

Why? Not that I owe any person an explanation, but...The magic, for me anyway, left that place long ago. Spent ten or twelve years (at least) pouring my blood, sweat, and yes, tears into that place. No one remembers any of the good I did for (or in) that place. A lot of the faces have changed. It is a younger crowd now. The torch seems to have been passed.

At this point I prefer to keep my past myself.
I have no wish to make new ones.

And it is too much a "Family" show for me now....

Even the some of the same faces that are still there have changed - a lot. Not necessarily for the better. I do not say this with any malice. Or none intended in any way.

I have no doubt that I can still walk the walk, and talk the talk. Better, in fact, I'm sure than most who are there.
But the days of wine and wenching have, for me, come to an end.

What energy I have, I would rather expend elsewhere, on other projects.

Hie and fair thee well, Goodly New Market Village.
Glad tidings I wish to thee and thine.
To thy denizens I give,
"May all thy tips be large and the King's Tax be tiny!"

Mayhap, I shall see thee anon! Mayhap not!

As for now at least - I bid thee adieu!

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