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Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West - Gregory Maguire

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Location: Houston, Texas, United States

It ain't the years, It's the mileage. I was raised a military brat, and wanderlust still comes over me every 3 or 4 years. Still love to travel.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

So What Is Up With Cops on Horseback...

In Downtown Houston during effing RUSH HOUR?!? As if traffic isn't bad enough on Louisiana at 5:15 in the afternoon. I come out of my building this afternoon to see traffic snarled up even worse than usual. Look down the street and there's an HPD officer on horseback, clip clopping BETWEEN the traffic lanes.


I realize he was probably there to keep the traffic moving, as people who are trying to pick others up will tend to stand at the curb while waiting for thier parties to come out of the building. The police intend to move them along. C'mon people! It's rush hour out here!

And the Police are writing TICKETS for standing in a no parking zone!

Or usually are...

But not TODAY! Back to the Policeman playing horsie. He was (as I said) riding his horse between the lanes of traffic. Moving, or so he thought, traffic along. Behind this guy, both the curb-side lane and the next one over are backed up almost a full block.

Mr. Officer on the horse!

People are scared to pass you and your horse...I don't think they realize your horse has probably logged more rush hour traffic than they have and they don't want to scare him. As a result - Snarled traffic.

I don't guess he realized that people were spooked by this animal. Most cities (even in the south) don't have a mounted patrol. It's hard to know how to act if you haven't been around horses all that much.

He's just lucky most people were actually paying attention to what was going on around them, instead of the most popular pastime (it seems) in Houston. Talking on your phone while manuevering in traffic. Or the second most popular pastime in H-Town. Running RED LIGHTS! "Oh was that light red? I'm sorry...I was talking on the PHONE!"


C'mon guys! Get a grip! For Motorist Safety! For Pedestrian Safety! For YOUR Safety! For your FRIGGIN' Horse's Safety! Let's try to keep the Equinous Patrols off the main arteries during peak traffic time!


I've said enough!

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