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It ain't the years, It's the mileage. I was raised a military brat, and wanderlust still comes over me every 3 or 4 years. Still love to travel.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Four more years (sigh)

Had high hopes...But to no avail...Look like Bush takes the election.
Link from Rueters via Yahoo

And here's the BBC's explanation of the Electoral College.

Comments on "Four more years (sigh)"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:20 PM) : 

You don't understand, four more years of Bush is a chance for America to get back it's moral compass. Had Kerry won, it would have been four years of driving this great country into the ground. What we don't need and didn't want, was to end up like Europe. Europe is Europe and after looking at it, we are sure we DON'T want to emulate them - which is why THEY constantly try to emulate us.

Added bonuses - a bigger majority of republicans in the Congress and the probability of appointing one or more supreme court judges - should be a good four years.


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