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Location: Houston, Texas, United States

It ain't the years, It's the mileage. I was raised a military brat, and wanderlust still comes over me every 3 or 4 years. Still love to travel.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Time To Put Away Childish Things?

So last Wednesday I made the second round trip in a week to the beautiful metropolis of Nacogdoches, Texas. The Oldest town in Texas.

The first was to pick daughter number 2 up so she could lay claim to her stuff that was still left at the house. She is finally moving out of the dorm (Yay!) and into an apartment. By the time I got home on Tuesday evening from work. She had gone through and packed (or thrown away a lot of stuff. A LOT OF....STUFF)

So I started looking at all of this supposed trash and WHOA! There were things in here that she LOVED...Stuffed animals, porcelain dolls, action figures, posters, School awards and such.

Did she really mean to throw away all of these things?, I asked.

"Well, Mom said she didn't want to store any of it, when I told her I was getting an apartment in Nac," she replied.

Think it's time to ask again, kiddo, I thought. "Is it really time (already) to put away childish things?" I asked. "Do you really want to shed ALL of this stuff?"

She looked at me, her eyes looking like they were about to well up, "But Mom said(!)"

This led to a long (for us) wonderful discussion about The Time For Putting Away Childish Things...Time enough for that later. Her time will come but it was not that day.

For God's sake I have about five thousand dollars worth of Legos stored in the garage, surely we can make room in there for a few boxes of her stuff.

We talked about a few other things there in the driveway...
How 20 somethings like her have the world by the ass.
...And how certain 40 somethings are all but washed up at this point. (Not! But it made her laugh and that was the point.)
...And the transient lifestyle she plans to have after graduation and how she will be unable to afford to move all this crap around with her. Again NOT this day...

I don't think she'll be back to live with us unless circumstances dictate otherwise.

All in all it was one of the most rewarding conversations I've had with number 2 daughter in quite a while.

Now I've gotta work on the other two...


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